Tag: Declare/Decay

Declare/Decay VR group exhibition will be live soon

Declare/Decay will be live soon with the works of 32 international artists, including a special edition of “The End of the World as we know it”.

Declare/Decay can be experienced in VR, desktop, and on some mobile as well. It has 5 different chapters and it is meant to be a journey that will bring you different perspectives on the theme.

The tour sessions will be held from 30th September, visit https://xor-space.com/declare-decay/ for more information and RSVP to visit the exhibition space.

XOR Declare/Decay VR group exhibition

Declare/Decay VR exhibition

I’m glad to participate in the upcoming online VR exhibition “Declare/Decay” by XOR with a special edition of “The End of the World as we know it” including all videos and images from the project. “Declare/Decay” will be launched September 30.

Declare/Decay artist announcement XOR